The Challenge
Rethinking the way laundry is cleaned without single-use plastics.
In Jakarta alone millions of people make use of laundry services – there is one on every corner! It is estimated that this produces 1.5 kg of single-use, low-value plastic per person per year!
The Design Process
The project was conducted following an iterative, Human-Centered Design approach aiming to find a desirable, viable and feasible solution. 
We spent 3 months doing field research in Jakarta engaging with the locals. 
The Journey of Doing Laundry
After having conducted several field observations and interviews with different laundry shops we had a better idea on the process of doing laundry, especially what were the challenges and needs. 

The plastic involved and its journey from laundry shop to the landfill

Design Goal
Enable kiloan laundry business to adapt single-use plastic free solutions by providing them with financial security and ease.

Out Concept Solution

A Product Service System

Designing a Refill Dispenser

Several prototypes and validation tests have been run before to design the final dispenser

How the Refill Dispenser will be used in the system

How does the dispenser work in the system?

The project is currently at its implementation phase thanks to Enviu, a social venture we collaborated with, which is bringing it further. 

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